Nexplanon is a highly effective method of preventing pregnancy ( less than 1:1000 women fall pregnant using this method). Nexplanon is a form of hormonal contraception (progesterone only contraception). It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation). It is licensed to work as a contraceptive device for three years after insertion.
After this time, it will need to be replaced or an alternative form of contraception will need to be used. (The date of removal will be provided by the doctor who has inserted the device at the time of fitting)
You can read more about the Implant by clicking this link
We do ask all our patients to fill out this questionnaire before booking an appt.- Click here
The national screening programme invites all women aged 25 to 64 to be screened every three years till 50 years, then every five years.
We make a charge for the doctors time and for the device
- Cost for the 30 minute appt. with the doctor – £164
- The hospital charge £225 for the device
- If it is only for removal, the hospital charge an additional £44