Dr Gill Shields – Menopause specialist
MBBS, BSc, MRCGP 2011.DRCOG, FSRH Advanced Certificate in menopause
Gill qualified from Imperial College London in 2006 and, after her London rotations, completed her GP training in the Southwest.
She has Diplomas in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sexual and Reproductive health and is an experienced coil and implant fitter.
She holds the Faculty of Sexual Reproductive Health Advanced Menopause Certificate and is a recognized Menopause Certificate and is a recognized British MenopauseSociety specialist.
Gill is a GP partner at Granta Medical Practices and PCN Women’s Health Lead and runs regular menopause clinics, group menopause consultations and women’s health clinics.
She enjoys listening to her patients in a friendly and relaxed manner to help women make the best decisions for their health.
Contact us
Visit our medical centre
Nuffield Health Hospital,
4 Trumpington Rd,
Cambridge CB2 8AF
T: 01223 967995
Phones answered 9–5 Monday to Friday.
For more specific medical enquiries or to contact one of the doctors: [email protected]